Do Local Banks Still Matter? The Answer May Surprise NetSuite Users in Latin America

From New York to London, Singapore to Hong Kong, the world’s leading financial centers are growing increasingly interconnected thanks to advances in technology. 

However, despite the ongoing reshaping of the modern financial industry, operating subsidiaries across many different countries still requires building local connections and working with important local partners, including banks.  

Why is it so important for multi-Latin corporations to establish and maintain direct access to local banks? Keep reading to find out. 


The Benefits of Direct Integration with Local Banks 

The LatamReady SuiteApp integrates NetSuite with local banks so multi-Latin corporations can accurately and efficiently generate direct and massive vendor payments.

Our innovative tax compliance solution includes advanced E-payment file templates for 18+ Latin American countries. By selecting the appropriate template and plugging in the transaction details, businesses can generate the correct general ledger impact for vendor payment transactions and the necessary XML file, all within NetSuite. 

The NetSuite user just needs to download the XML file and then upload it directly to the relevant bank’s online portal. It is that easy! 

Large multi-Latin corporations that take advantage of the LatamReady SuiteApp’s E-payment feature can experience increased productivity thanks to accurate and efficient bulk vendor payment processing. 

Carlos Zumaeta, LatamReady Founder & CEO

Who Are LatamReady’s Local Banking Partners? 

The LatamReady SuiteApp offers direct integration with many major local banks, including Brazil-based Itaú, the #1 largest bank in all of Latin America. Other important local banking partners include:

  • Santander
  • BBVA
  • ScotiaBank
  • Davivienda
  • BCP – Banco de Crédito del Perú
  • Banco Pichincha
  • Bancolombia
  • Banco Security
  • BanPro – El Banco de la Producción
Scale Your Multi-Latin Revenue with Oracle NetSuite from LatamReady:

Why You Need the LatamReady SuiteApp 

If you want to grow your multi-Latin corporation exponentially in 2020, you need the LatamReady SuiteApp, the only certified Built-for-NetSuite SuiteApp that works exclusively with local banks in 18+ countries in Latin America! 

The direct integration between the LatamReady SuiteApp and major local banks across the region enables multi-Latin corporations to accurately and efficiently manage E-payments and other electronic financial processes required to aggressively pursue growth. 

To take your multi-Latin corporation to the next level in 2020, visit or call one of our sales reps at +1-786-600-2641 today!  

NetSuite Demo | Mexico & E-Payments

Your Biggest Tax Compliance Questions Answered

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Published by LatamReady: Oracle NetSuite Partner

Founded in 2009, we have over a decade of experience implementing Oracle NetSuite in multiple industries and helping international corporations unlock growth with the LatamReady SuiteApp, an integrated Tax Compliance solution within Oracle NetSuite for 18+ countries in Latin America, including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Argentina and more!

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