Withholding Taxes and Contributory Class, a Good Match? NetSuite Experts Dive In

Let’s take a look into the ‘Withholding taxes world’ using a great tool that LatamReady offers: ‘THE CONTRIBUTORY CLASS’.

Oracle NetSuite: The perfect ERP for Latin America?

Tax reporting is all about control, and it can be a real headache for many multi latin companies who are not aware of the tax regulations in Latin America. What is the biggest challenge for those companies that want to invest in Latin America? The biggest challenge in Latin America In Latin America, the biggestContinue reading “Oracle NetSuite: The perfect ERP for Latin America?”

Problem Solved Thanks to Oracle NetSuite in Latin America

Common problems faced by multi-latin companies when implementing an ERP. Many of our customers have followed the same ( wrong) formula before being introduce to the LatamReady SuiteApp. Here’s an exampleOur last customer started using  ‘QuickBooks’ ( a small and medium-size business accounting software) they realized it wasn’t enough for their growing needs. Also, theyContinue reading “Problem Solved Thanks to Oracle NetSuite in Latin America”

TAX COMPLIANCE 101 : How to be in full control of your businesses in Latin America with Oracle NetSuite

Latin America is an emerging region not only full of opportunities but also challenging business wise. What are those challenges you may ask and how can we go over them and therefore make our businesses successful in the long run? Why instinct should not be existing in tax compliance? Today, we are going to focusContinue reading “TAX COMPLIANCE 101 : How to be in full control of your businesses in Latin America with Oracle NetSuite”

Your Business Diagnosis | Latin America Syndrome | Oracle NetSuite Tax Compliance

Here is the prescription for your accounting software When a business starts growing and expanding into the Latin America, the amount of sales and tax obligations grows with it, and as expected things won’t keep working the same. Now, you find yourself in a different environment. Concepts and procedures are tricky, and you have theContinue reading “Your Business Diagnosis | Latin America Syndrome | Oracle NetSuite Tax Compliance”

Why NetSuite users in Latin America should acquire Tax Compliance applications?

Taxation in the United States might be complex, but because you were raised with it, the thousands of jurisdictions and special taxes seem to make (at least a sort of) sense. However, once your company starts expanding to Latin America, the level of tax complexity will increase significantly and how to scale operations to keepContinue reading “Why NetSuite users in Latin America should acquire Tax Compliance applications?”

Overview: Chart of Accounts within Oracle NetSuite in Latin America

Chart of accounts is something we hear a lot about, and it usually depends on different opinions from different clients depending on their size, and where they come from. But, what is charts of accounts? It’s an accounting concept. If you have an accounting ERP, you need to use accounts , these are codes andContinue reading “Overview: Chart of Accounts within Oracle NetSuite in Latin America”

Tax Compliance Advice for Latin America – Who are the right people?

Tax advice is a big one when we talk about international organizations. If a foreign company ventures out to Brazil for example, they will have lots of questions. What usually happens is, they hire an accountant and they say A, they hire another accountant and they say B, and that’s the classic in Latin America,Continue reading “Tax Compliance Advice for Latin America – Who are the right people?”

Constant Change and Support – How does it affect tax compliance in Latin America??

The example we always use is for explaining Latin American situation is, if you want to understand tax compliance in Latin America, then you can’t  take a picture, because that picture is not going to be valid next day or next month. If you work on a list of tax compliance requirements for the countriesContinue reading “Constant Change and Support – How does it affect tax compliance in Latin America??”

Understanding E-Invoicing in Latin America and how Oracle NetSuite can help

E-invoicing is not just invoicing, we are talking about electronic documents, very similar to the concept before about tax reporting. All of the information electronically received by the tax authority in a specific format. Every single invoice, credit memo, debit memo, waybills, withholding taxes certificates, any kind of documents that needs to be submitted toContinue reading “Understanding E-Invoicing in Latin America and how Oracle NetSuite can help”